Sharing our recipe for this lovely classic vanilla bundt cake with swirls of cocoa throughout for a marvelous marbled cake look and taste.

Delicious and Moist Marbled Bundt Cake
Bundt cake is a cake that is baked in a bundt pan giving it a traditional donut shape with a hole in the center. Bundt cake (in my opinion) is one of the best desserts to serve with a cup of coffee or hot tea. From vanilla to chocolate and lemon to red velvet, bundt cakes are generally not associated with any one particular cake recipe.
For this cake recipe, we combined just a bit of cocoa powder into the batter at the very end giving the cake a slightly marbled look.
A classic vanilla bundt cake with swirls of cocoa for a marvelous marbled cake taste to enjoy on it’s own or with a cup of coffee or hot tea.
If you’re looking for more scrumptious bundt cake recipes, you’ll love this classic orange bundt cake recipe as well as this non traditional whiskey bundt cake.
Orange Bundt Cake Whiskey Bundt Cake

Marvelous Marbled Bundt Cake
- 8 eggs separated
- 2 ½ cups sugar
- 1 ½ cup vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup milk room temp
- 4 cups flour all purpose
- 2 tsp baking powder
- Pinch of salt
- 2 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 2 packages vanilla powder 2 tablespoon of vanilla
- Add flour and baking powder and salt
- Mix egg whites on high speed transfer to other bowl and put aside
- Using the same bowl, mix egg yolks and sugar for 2-3 minutes and then add vegetable oil and mix well
- Add 2 tablespoons flour and milk alternating to egg yolk mixture over slow speed
- Fold egg whites into egg yolk mixture using spatula
- Add cocoa into the mixture using a spatula. Only fold 3-4 times
- Pour mixture into a well oiled bundt cake pan and bake in a 375 preheated oven for approximately 60 minutes. Cooking times may vary.
- Using knife pierce cake to check for thoroughness.
- Remove from the oven and let sit for 10 minutes and run a knife along the sides of the pan and then flip the pan onto the cake plate and remove the pan. (if cake does not come free from the pan, place a damp dish cloth on the bottom of the pan for 5-10 minutes)
Allow the cake to cool completely before sprinkling the top with sifted icing sugar. This step is of course optional but what a beautiful textured effect is makes over the cake. Serve and enjoy!
A classic vanilla bundt cake with swirls of cocoa for a marvelous marbled cake taste to enjoy on it’s own or with a cup of coffee or hot tea.
More Delicious Moist Cake Recipes
If you love baking as much as we do, then you’ll have to try these other delicious made-from-scratch cake recipes.
- Strawberry sponge cake
- Layered honey cake
- Sour cherry cake
- Classic plum cake
- Cocoa apple cake
- Carrot cake
Strawberry Sponge Cake Layered Honey Cake Sour Cherry Cake Classic Plum Cake Cocoa Apple Cake Carrot Cake
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